04 December 2006

What I Need Is A Fireman And His Axe...

So I was thinking about posting about films (like The Prestige and the new 007 film) or my recent XForms Mah Jong scorer (which I will post soon). But it took me being prevented from going into my flat for me to post.

For people who don't know my flat. It's on the first floor (British style, second floor for the Americans) but using the mystic power of bridges it is entered from the street after going over a brief path (which is really suspended above ground). To stop you looking at a 10 foot drop every time you pass by there is a sort of garden fence on the exposed side. Anyway that collapsed in the heavy wind that was blowing yesterday. This morning it was a little difficult to get out of the flat but then the fence collapsed again leaving me unable to open the door into the path that leads to my flat. So I'm stuck, I can't get into my flat. My landlord is going around in the near future but if he doesn't get anywhere I might call the fire brigade and see if they can't take a ram or axe to that door to let me back in again.

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